Target Audience
Your ideal affiliate customer is someone who already makes money online and can make even more money as a result of using WriterX.
Who should buy WriterX?
You will earn more money as an affiliate if you can find people who clearly see a return on investment from paying for their WriterX subscription.
- It will be much easier to sell it to them.
- They will be more likely to maintain their subscription for 12+ months.
The best people to target are:
- People who make money from the words that they write.
- People are required to write a lot of words every day.
- People who understand the value of content creation to grow their business.
Ideal WriterX Customers
WriterX is equipped with tools for them to create social media posts, blog posts, and website copies as necessary for their business needs.
Digital Content Creators
These are the people who market and sell their brand and products by using written content. For Example, YouTubers, Bloggers, Podcasters, Course Creators, etc.
They can utilize WriterX for a variety of purposes, such as brand messaging, marketing copy, video creation, sales funnels, web design, etc.
SEO Experts
Those people can use WriterX to create blog articles, meta descriptions, and YouTube video descriptions, among other things.
Web Designers
They can use WriterX to write landing page texts, headlines, product descriptions, meta data, etc
Online Advertisers
Advertisers can use WriterX for products descriptions, sales videos, landing page copy, ad copy, and email copy.
WriterX can be used by founders for a variety of purposes, including brand messaging, email copy, sales funnels, product descriptions, etc.
Side Hustlers
WriterX can be used by side hustlers and freelancers for a variety of purposes, including brand messaging, email copy, sales funnels, product descriptions, etc.
Digital Marketers
Digital Marketers can use WriterX for a lot of things including brand messaging, marketing copy, video creation, sales funnels, web design, etc.