
Introducing Workflows - the fast and easy way to create long-form content in minutes! Forget about staring at a blank document - get a fully formed piece of content in no time with WriterX's best tools. Quickly create entire campaigns or any other long-form content with the step-by-step process.

Get access to workflows with plans starting as low as $29/month. Sign up for a free trial to try out Workflows.

Workflows enable automated drafting of long-form content quickly and efficiently.

Workflows provide a high level of customization at each step of the draft.

Workflows streamline the production of campaigns and long-form content by using templates.

The finished product created with Workflows is usually ready-to-publish content.

Why Workflows?

Save Time

Create Long-Form Content in Seconds

With Workflows, you can create long-form content or a complete campaign with minimal effort. All you need to do is follow the steps. You'll have a fully formed piece of content in no time!

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Stress-Free Writing

No More Blank Page Intimidation

Don't worry about staring at a blank page! Workflows make it easy to create long-form content without feeling intimidated or overwhelmed.

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Get Inspired

Get Started with Pre-Made Templates

Workflows come packed with pre-made templates to get you started. Use these templates and customize them to your needs to create something truly unique.

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High-quality content

Templates + Your Expertise = Perfection

By using pre-made templates and adding your own personalized touch, you can be sure that your content will be of the highest quality.

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 It's such a time saver and it's so easy to use. I love that it provides me with a step-by-step process to draft the content.

 Richa Kalra, Marketing Manager